The Central Bank approved new rules on digital ruble transactions

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The new rules on the platform and the turnover of the digital ruble were approved by the Central Bank a few days ago. In early August, laws regulating the digital ruble came into force. New regulations have determined that the platform is an information system.

On the platform of the information system, the platform operator, the participant and the user interact, who have the right to make legitimate transactions using the digital ruble. The operator of the platform will be the Central Bank, which regulates the processes through regulations and resolutions.

The new provisions contain the following amendments:

  • Clear identification of requirements for participants and users of the digital ruble;
    • Types of user accounts opened in digital rubles;
    • Procedure for opening, maintaining and closing accounts in digital rubles;
    • Granting, resuming and terminating access to the platform;
    • Types of operations and transactions, the procedure for their execution;
    • Payment procedure.

The following types of accounts can be opened on the platform:

  • Accounts for money transfer by banks (except foreign banks);
    • Accounts of individuals;
    • Accounts of legal entities.

The Central Bank opens accounts on the basis of an appeal for individuals and legal entities, as well as for individual entrepreneurs.
