Qualified electronic signatures can be obtained abroad

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Russians who live or work abroad will be able to issue a qualified electronic signature (CAP) by the end of the year. The project is being developed by the Ministry of Finance and Rossotrudnichestvo. The electronic signature will be issued on a secure USB drive and used for real estate transactions, loan processing and other purposes.

Where the experiment will operate

According to Izvestia, with reference to the words of Oleg Menzhinsky, General Director of RT-Project Technologies, the experiment with issuing an electronic signature will begin with Belarus, and then spread to 7-9 more countries.

The Ministry of Finance confirmed that, most likely, it will be other EAEU states — Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

Other countries, including Egypt and the UAE, have also shown interest in the experiment.

Who will issue the CAP

It is assumed that citizens will be able to obtain a qualified electronic signature on a special token at the consular offices of the Russian Federation on the territory of other countries in which certification centers will be opened.

If you need an unqualified signature

As for the unqualified electronic signature (NEP), only a confirmed account on the “State Services” and the “State Key” application will be needed to issue it.

However, the possibilities of this type of signature are limited: according to the law, it will not work to use it in cases where a qualified signature is needed. And such cases include making loans, real estate transactions, filing documents in court, participating in auctions.
