VALEN Tax is an accounting and tax consulting company.

We work with foreign and local companies from different industries operating in the Russian market. Our team consists of only qualified accountants with over 15 years experience in the financial sector.

Since 2020 Valen Tax has become a part of VALEN Group. The holding also includes Valen Legal company which specializes in legal support of foreign and local businesses. Please find more information about Valen Legal: valen-legal.com

We provide services
since 2012

Our specialists
graduated from leading
european univeristies


Suspension of the tax collusion between Russia and the USA

The order, temporarily eliminating a number of provisions of the U.S.-Russia tax treaty, will go…

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Liability of controlling persons is possible without contesting the liquidation of the debtor

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has increased the liability of controlling persons of…

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Key aspects in entering into contracts with foreign companies

Co-operation with foreign partners is now becoming a common practice for many enterprises. This provides…

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Customs clearance will become faster and easier

Recently the Deputy Chairman of the Government held a working meeting with the leadership of…

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Taxpayers on the simplified taxation system will pay VAT from 2025

Changes to the tax code are expected in 2025. The adoption of Bill No. 639663-8…

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Companies with simplified taxation system will be entitled to have branches. But not all of them

Russia plans to amend the procedure for the application of the simplified taxation system (USN)…

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New personal income tax and profit tax rates from the Ministry of Finance. Future changes to the tax system

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has drafted and submitted to the government…

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What to do if the Federal Tax Service has blocked a bank account

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation regulates that a tax authority has the right…

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How many times an organisation can change its tax system

The taxation system is determined at the stage of registration of the organisation. Basically, as…

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Our clients

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VALEN offers accounting services in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation. We cooperate with legal entities and individuals, holding companies and individual entrepreneurs, provide support to small and large businesses. Our company offers ongoing service and performance of particular tasks. We will organize accounting “from scratch” or replace the full-time accountant for the period of vacation, sick leave, decree.

Competent consultations of our specialists, professional accounting services will help business leaders make the right decisions. Our support also reduces risks, eliminates the likelihood of fines from regulatory authorities. VALEN provides the following services:

  • Organization, maintenance, restoration of tax and accounting.
  • Consulting on financial, tax issues, as well as concluding transactions.
  • Preparation of financial and tax reports, as well as their submission to regulatory authorities.
  • Timely submission of reports to government agencies, including Rosstat.
  • Representation of interests in supervisory authorities and in court.
  • Audit and preparation for tax audits.
  • Responding to inquiries from tax inspectors.
  • Verification of financial documents.

Our company guarantees punctuality and high quality of accounting services. We also carefully observe confidentiality: you can be sure that information about the work of the organization will not fall to third parties.

Accounting and tax

Order services related to tax and accounting. Our specialists will undertake the preparation of primary documents, setting up or restoration of the organization’s accounting. We can also keep books remotely or consult the management on specific issues.

Reporting and taxation

Also, our company is engaged in the preparation and sending of reports to the supervisory authorities. We offer accounting services to organizations in any taxation system. If necessary, our specialists will take over the preparation and submission of zero reporting or submission of documents online.

Personnel accounting and payroll

You can delegate tasks such as payroll, sick leave, vacation pay, and bonuses to our specialists. Also, our specialists will take over the calculation of salary taxes and contributions, the preparation of remittances.

Optimization of the tax burden

Professional advice from our specialists will help you to reduce the tax base in legal ways. We will show you what benefits you can use, as well as find and correct errors in accounting.

Calculation of taxes and contributions

This is one of the most responsible areas of work for financial specialists, since mistakes are fraught with fines. However, we guarantee that the regulatory authorities will not have claims against your organization if VALEN specialists will calculate taxes. We will correctly determine the tax base, prepare and submit reports on time.

Comprehensive accounting services

  • setting up accounting at the start of the organization;
  • maintaining financial, personnel, tax accounting;
  • preparation and submission of reports to regulatory authorities;
  • making payments and other banking operations;
  • drawing up contracts, orders and other papers;
  • restoration of gaps in document circulation;
  • support of tax audits.

You can also entrust our specialists with certain services in the field of accounting, such as payroll, tax calculation, preparation and submission of reports to tax authorities, funds, statistics authorities.

VALEN specialists use advanced software and cloud technologies. This allows us to ensure transparency of work and the availability of accounting information for clients at any time.

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