The Federal Tax Service has developed peculiarities of record of foreign companies

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The Federal Tax Service has submitted a draft order establishing rules of record of foreign companies. According to the draft, the order does not apply to foreign legal entities that are investors under the production sharing agreement and operators of this agreement.

The order describes the following features:

  • submission of documents for registration – the documents must be submitted to the tax authority:
    – in Russian or
    – in a foreign language with a certified translation into Russian;
  • record of foreign companies that:
    – operate through accredited branches, representative offices, separate divisions,
    – provide electronic services,
    – sell goods from the Eurasian Union through online platforms
    – are recognized as personal income tax agents
    – opened bank accounts in Russia;
  • record of changes in data on a foreign legal entity;
  • the procedure for submitting a document confirming registration or de-registration of a foreign organization, including under a simplified procedure.

It is planned that the order should come into force in one month after its official publication.
